Stein Harmonizer's

The other night a dear friend and major audiophile brought by three (3) Stein Harmonizer's. We were simply stunned by how much they improved my system (Devialet 220/Harbeth 30.2's/Nordorst, Red Dawn speaker cables/Torus TOT AVR). The soundstage, clarity, dimensionality etc. were greatly enhanced.  Has anyone experienced anything similar? I was utterly incredulous until I heard the difference/improvement. 
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Is that the device that excites the air molecules and gives them a head start, allowing acoustic wave propagation to occur more efficiently. A lot like the Ultra Tweeters of yore. Is it quantum mechanical? You decide.

The Ultra Tweeters designer wrote, “It’s like a traffic cop 👮  at a busy intersection. When the cars are organized traffic flows faster and better.” 🔛
I begin a thread on another forum about this, and the crowd of "enlightened one" came quickly to bite me...I will not reworking that... 
You’re pretty quick on the trigger mahgister. You didn’t even let me finish writing my comment. Ouch! Very ouch!