High Fidelity cables , they have their basic $1k unit that is a steal for anything up to 15 amps , the MC6 ,6 outlet unit and they have the units you plug into the wall where all the distortion begins . On Audiogon their .05 AC purifier is very popular and cumulative. I just went to a Bigstep up from that with the MC1 pro,
there is no surge protection ,I bought a Siemens 100 and had-it installed first in line in my circuit breaker box it needs 2-20 amp breakers one per feedcoming in
getting back to this magnetic technologies it Transforms your system not just
improve it. the sweet spot in their cables is the CT-2 , if you are into digital
this $1k spdif cable is beating Everything usb orotherwise . against the
nordodt odin $3500 digital cable and soundly beat it . The magnetics take time 4-500 to really shine a minimum of 200 to start opening up. Go to their web site
they can explain it 10x better then I understand . It is not ferrite magnets it is very similar in application to what an electron microscope does . Electricity is unfocused riding each pole the magnetic technology creates a waveguide
where the electrical energy is focused similar to a laser focused to the center .
your whole system takes on a whole new ability and much more music realism.
try it start with 1 item and add from there . I still don’t have their speaker cables
or AC cables but plan on it when I have the extra bucks. Just check it out .
and yes another existing conditioner can plug into it like a AQ and will for sure add more musicality to it. Just check it out and give them 4-500 hours then
give you can give your own hands on observations.