AudioQuest Niagara 1000

Hey Audiophobes,

Anybody have any experience with the AudioQuest Niagara 1000 Power  LOW-Z POWER/NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM? I have one on loan and I am testing it out now. Unfortunately, I really can't effectively do an A/B comparison because all my power outlets and cords and not very accessible. Would appreciate any experience you all have with this product.


That being said I tried a radically new magnetic technologies for cleaning distortions throughout not only the AC incoming ,but also the audio signal path.
High Fidelity cables , they have their basic $1k unit that is a steal  for anything up to 15 amps , the MC6 ,6 outlet unit and they have the units you plug into the wall where all the distortion begins . On  Audiogon their .05 AC purifier is very popular and cumulative. I just went to a Bigstep up from that with the MC1 pro,
there is no surge protection  ,I bought a Siemens 100  and  had-it installed first in line in my circuit breaker  box it needs 2-20 amp breakers one per feedcoming in 
getting back to this magnetic technologies it Transforms your system not just 
improve it.  the sweet  spot in their cables is the CT-2 , if you are into digital 
this $1k  spdif  cable is beating Everything usb orotherwise . against the
nordodt odin $3500 digital cable and soundly beat  it . The magnetics take time 4-500 to really shine a minimum of 200 to start opening up.  Go to their web site 
they can explain it 10x better then I understand . It is not ferrite magnets it is very similar  in  application to what an electron microscope does . Electricity is unfocused riding each pole the magnetic technology creates a waveguide 
where the electrical energy is focused similar to a laser  focused to the center .
your whole system takes on a whole new ability and  much more music realism.
try it  start with 1 item and add from there . I still don’t have their speaker cables 
or AC cables but plan on it when I have the extra bucks. Just check it out .
and yes another existing conditioner can plug into it like a AQ  and will for sure add more musicality to it. Just check it out and give them 4-500 hours  then 
give you can give your own hands on observations. 
pgaulke60, interesting stories. I would think the Niagara 1200 would do essentially the same thing as the noise harvester, if it indeed filters and "conditions" the AC power as it claims it does. That being said, I'm curious if you changed power cables at all during this process? What power cable are you feeding your Niagara 1200? Have you experimented at all?
@drowe7 .  Yes, I did add a new power cable.  Before when I had they AQ 1000 I just used a standard computer grade power cable.  Now with the AQ 1200 I use an AQ NRG-Z3 cable.

Do you think that is making a difference?  We would hope so, right.  We would hope that it is making a positive difference.  But your bring up an interesting point.  Doing an A/B comparison with power cables.
I will be curious to hear your results. I would be willing to bet a power cord better than their entry-level NRG series would restore your soundstage and a more life-like presence.

I put a 5K ac power cord on my RadioShack power strip its amazing so much darker  so deep & black  I also unplug my fridge buy the time my ice cream melted I could not believe it how the soundstage just filled the room