The best looking speakers

I have 2 systems in my house. I am quite happy with what I have.
but I was wondering, what are the best looking speakers out there?
I haven’t taken up the question of new speakers with my wife, but more aesthetically pleasing speakers might help my cause/diseas.  
Corinthian Leather of course.

Focals are Sexiest.

Sonus Faber are most Elegant

PMC has the edgy modern look going pretty well.

One can certainly Dilly with Dali

I own none of them and am still married.
Gale 401a [the chrome end ones]. 45 years on they are still the most beautiful speaker made and they sound better than 99% of modern speakers too.Next to that Sonus Faber Amati Futura are gorgeous sculptural things that also sound superb.
Sonus Faber seems to come up most often and their upper line is certainly beautifully made. The Aida is also beautiful to listen to. If I had a room that was unacceptable for a Big ESL that is what I would go with.