The issue here is matching- you might want to look at this:
IOW, If you know that you are wanting to use tubes (Mac275), you have to look at speakers that are friendly to tubes. Since tube power tends to be more expensive, I would reject speakers that have low efficiencies (less than 90 db) unless you are in a small room.
Its helpful to look at the designer's intention- does he use tubes or transistors? In many ways, that is the easiest guide to start with. Wilsons, FWIW, are tube-friendly. B&Ws generally are not.
IOW, If you know that you are wanting to use tubes (Mac275), you have to look at speakers that are friendly to tubes. Since tube power tends to be more expensive, I would reject speakers that have low efficiencies (less than 90 db) unless you are in a small room.
Its helpful to look at the designer's intention- does he use tubes or transistors? In many ways, that is the easiest guide to start with. Wilsons, FWIW, are tube-friendly. B&Ws generally are not.