Humor friday. Expencive fuses and?

So I was thinking while reading another form about expensive fuses.

At what point does it make more sense to just put a copper bar (99.999999 of course) across the fuse holder as the next down stream component is way cheaper to replace then the expensive fuse? 

oh wait maybe also wire the power companies cable directly to the amplifier that way we can eliminate the expensive power cables and outlets too. 

oh wait why not build a power station in the front of your house to dedicate stable power to that amplifier. now were cooking. cooking the house when it burns down but hay its humor.

 its a joke smile its Friday. TGIF

I know it’s a joke but the copper bar thing has been done for a long time.
You takes your chances.......
True story...
A few years back I purchased a used Honda VFR800.
Rode it for a few weeks no problem.
Then one day it just shut down ( middle of freaking nowhere of course). In the dark, no tools.....
Called AAA, had it taken to the Honda dealer.
They found that the main fuse had been replaced with a solid piece of copper and now part of the wiring loom had fused together and shorted out, hence the shutdown.
$800 later for a fuse.........
The guy who had that Honda VFR800 before you never read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
No poop! Lol

Btw Nonoise did you say you have a Garrard 401?
Curious what arm and cart you run on it.
Maybe you could pm me rather than hijack this deep meaningful thread.....
There was a guy that posted a picture here or maybe on AA of his custom made gold plated breaker box.The interior was all gold.I thought it was funny anyway:-)