Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Any body want to sell Krell KAV 400xi tell me know , email to me at ( please
Thank you

Unreal...and you have the nerve to do it twice! Where is the Moderator?
Dear moderator and fellow AGONers:

After 5 years and 366 posts, isn't it finally time to finally kill off this tired old thread?

I ask this without prejudice to the assertion that there is no ".... best integrated...period"; just personal and heavily biased opinions.

We all know that what sounds great in one's own system may sound like crap in tne next guys system, simply because the reat of the components are different.
Akg_ca, you make excellent points. But for the same reasons that you think the thread should be removed, I think it should live forever. Can there be a better example - especially for newbie posters seeking component advise - than this thread, to demonstrate that if enough Agoners participate, sooner or later, every component on the face of the earth will be recommended.

Of course, the real shame of it is that all these other posts, obscure those from us who really do know the best :-)