Final Retirement Amplifier-Class A-Upcoming Gryphon Essence Stereo vs Accuphase A75

Thinking about one last major amplification upgrade. Specifically looking at the upcoming Gryphon Essence vs Accuphase A-75 class A amplifiers. 
I realize that the Gryphon Essence has not been released yet, but it is said to sound similar, albeit less powerful, to other more expensive Gryphon class A models. So, it is more a question of the sonic differences of Accuphase vs Gryphon class A amplifiers.  I’d kindly appreciate all opinions. Thank you!
Thanks rshad0000

Yes; I have heard the Diablo 300; very nice sounding integrated, if not the tiniest bit harsh. I heard the Colosseum, extremely natural. That’s why I’m looking class A. The Essence is due first couple of months 2020.
Retail will be in the $23,000 range from US distributor, still costly but
$4000 less than Accuphase A-75.
Good form audiobrian old chap. A guy responds favorably to your post and you delicately tell him his amp is the "tiniest" bit harsh. 
Hi jetter:  
Thanks for your feedback. I certainly meant no disrespect to rshad0000 or the Diablo 300. My apologies; I own the Diablo 120 and I am looking for a slightly smoother presentation for my aging ears. Hence my interest in the Gryphon Essence or Accuphase A-75.  

Audiobrian, truly sorry for being snarky. It has not been a good morning at this end.

No offense taken.  Audiobrian - I agree with you and think you are dead on.   The Essence, even though expensive, is at least within my price range and will more than likely have those smooth class A highs, with the Gryphon iron fisted bass control, that I'm looking for.   

BTW - I also have a Octave V80SE, with super black box, which I really like as well.   It doesn't have the bass control or quite the transparency of the Diablo, but its has some terrific sounding mids and highs.