The best looking speakers

I have 2 systems in my house. I am quite happy with what I have.
but I was wondering, what are the best looking speakers out there?
I haven’t taken up the question of new speakers with my wife, but more aesthetically pleasing speakers might help my cause/diseas.  
mijostyn, you wrote { Believe it or not K horns are usually well accepted because they fit tight into a corner, are made of handsome veneers and don't look like speakers. Unfortunately, most of us do not like the sound as is. }  Have you even heard a pair of Klipschorns? If you have and didn't like them they probably weren't set up correctly.  I agree they probably are the most beautiful speakers extant and recently there's a newer version that's redesigned that doesn't have to fit tightly in the corners. I'm ordering a pair after my house is built and with my H.H. Scott tube amp I'll be in heaven again!  Incredible bargain!!!
Yes Jadis Eurythmie are stunning.   KEF ls50s very awesome looking. Can't pick a favorite color.   OHM Walsh are models of stunning spartan design.   OHM Walsh are the  only speakers my wife has never fussed  about, even when in her sunroom.

LOL...Jadis Eurythmie: my wife would kick me out of the house if those showed up.

"The best looking speakers for you and your wife ! , is the. “Ilumnia Magister”"

Which, again, I can predict some women I know including my wife would think look odd and sort of like robots. "Why doesn’t it just look like a speaker?"

And even though my own wife’s aesthetic judgement of speakers is to some degree predictable, it’s not entirely predictable. She has liked the looks of some speakers I’ve had in the house much more than others, where I would have predicted the reverse.

Point being: All this "best looking speaker" stuff is highly subjective. I’m not sure how the subjective all-over-the-map suggestions from other people can help, unless one has no taste of one’s own.
 This " best looking speaker " subject, is generally, when a husband, spouse, or roommate ( the audiophile buyer ), does not have a room totally dedicated to him / her self. Somewhat unfortunate, as, the music enjoyment, which we all agree, is the 1st and foremost basis, for purchasing any and all equipment, to satisfy the ears, hearts and souls. And yes, as in speaker choice for listening, it is highly subjective, with the cosmetics / room decor thing.

I don't quite agree.  Though my wife has her opinions on the looks of speakers, I actually can buy pretty much whatever I want within my budget, and the looks of the speaker are up to me.  Aesthetics are very important to me.  I'll be looking at those speakers a lot, and it will be a piece of furniture whatever room I put it in.  I want a speaker to look really pleasing, not a crappy DIY-looking collection of drivers in a box or whatever.  I find ugly aesthetics detracts from the experience.

Fortunately the options for speakers are so varied I don't have to sacrifice sound quality in order to also have a good looking speaker.