Final Retirement Amplifier-Class A-Upcoming Gryphon Essence Stereo vs Accuphase A75

Thinking about one last major amplification upgrade. Specifically looking at the upcoming Gryphon Essence vs Accuphase A-75 class A amplifiers. 
I realize that the Gryphon Essence has not been released yet, but it is said to sound similar, albeit less powerful, to other more expensive Gryphon class A models. So, it is more a question of the sonic differences of Accuphase vs Gryphon class A amplifiers.  I’d kindly appreciate all opinions. Thank you!
Audiobrian, truly sorry for being snarky. It has not been a good morning at this end.

No offense taken.  Audiobrian - I agree with you and think you are dead on.   The Essence, even though expensive, is at least within my price range and will more than likely have those smooth class A highs, with the Gryphon iron fisted bass control, that I'm looking for.   

BTW - I also have a Octave V80SE, with super black box, which I really like as well.   It doesn't have the bass control or quite the transparency of the Diablo, but its has some terrific sounding mids and highs. 
Hi rshad0000:

Thanks for your post. As we know well, our Diablos are very fine integrated amplifiers but I perceive a touch of stridency at moderate to high volumes, most notably with rock or demanding music.  Yes, I am looking forward to the release of the Gryphon Essence. Although I really enjoyed auditioning the Colosseum, it was beyond my reach. I will audition the Essence, though, as it’s power 50/100/190 is lower than I’m accustomed to, and there is a shared transformer with dual secondaries. Shouldn’t be much of a problem though as class A watts seem more potent in controlling the loudspeakers. Please share your experience when you get to hear the Gryphon Essence at a show or personal audition.

Hi Jetter: No worries; thanks for the note. BTW, If you have any experience with Gryphon or Accuphase, please weigh in at your convenience. 
Thanks audiobrian for your kind note, no experience with Gryphon or Accuphase, over my budget, using Parasound A21+ and modified Museatex Meitner monoblocs.
 Both very good amps.
The Accuphase would probably use global feedback, where I'm sure the Gryphon's I believe all use local feedback, which has always to me if done right sounds better in the vocals body department .
Without hearing them side by side, my money would be on the Gryphon's.

Cheers George