Does any one have experience with a high-end amp switch or the Luxman AS-55

Hello all,

I am interested in the Luxman AS-55 speaker/amp switch.

Can anyone comment on its quality and performance?
I want to use it with a Luxman L-509X and with an Air Tight ATM-1s — to switch between both amplifiers and a pair of Harbeth HL5 Plus speakers. 
Does the AS-55 have sufficient quality for these two high-quality amplifiers?
Thank you very much for your advice.


Jeffrey Liu
Ag insider logo xs@2xijloffsite
Am I better off just swapping speakerwire bananas at the amp-side? (I know that I need to turn OFF the tubed amp especially when doing so....)

I have used a Luxman AS-55.  It works great although I prefer the AS-50R remote model for comparing speakers because I don't have to get up off my butt to do an A/B comparison.

Audio by Van Alstine also makes a very good comparator.  It's probably the best of the bunch but the Luxmans have worked great for me.  Good sound and no damaged gear.

$550? Swap bananas. Or if you want to be very cool get a high current 4 pole relay with a 25 volt coil, a 25 volt power supply and a hand held toggle switch. Cost you less than 100 bucks. Wire it all up in a metal or plastic box and change speakers from your seat. 
It looks like that switch is designed for a single amplifier to switch between multiple speakers - I'm not sure it can be used to switch multiple amplifiers into one pair of speakers.