
anyone know why Elac is discontinuing this line?
Actually Wildfoxinn, we also defend the Personas which have no more of a wacky frequency response vs any other major high end loudspeakers,

We have been looking at many highly lauded loudspeakers and many of them have dipped high frequency responses. So it seems that many audiophiles get activated when the top end of a loudspeaker has some rises at certain frequencies but are totally okay when other loudspeakers are dipped down and therefore have a "recessed or polite" top end. 

Most loudspeakers have either a rising top end or a recessed top end, very few loudspeakers are actually flat.  The real key is system matching. 

We have the Personas and the Adantes and the Kef's on display, as well as ATC and many other loudspeakers.

We don't agree with Contuzzi that the Adantes aren't good loudspeakers yes they do have a bit of a peak in their high end response but with the right warmer electronics they also sound very good.

We have demoed the Adantes vs many of the best $2-2,500.00 monitors and they are in some ways quite remarkable, especially in their deep bass response.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ ATC, Kef, Paradigm, Elac, dealers

At $1500 a pair (the close-out price) I think they are interesting because while I think the R3 is better overrall, it's an extra $500 for a smaller cabinet and better bass extension. It certainly adds a lot of pressure in the $1-2k market.
It adds zero pressure.  You are delusional if you think this will have any effect other than people buying them blind at Music Direct because of the “deal” and then convincing themselves they like them. 
If they are bigger than the average monitor and now going for a discount, then that sounds like a deal. More speaker per $$. Just match them up right as suggested which has to be done in most any case anyhow to get things to sound best.

Also older ears that no longer hear flat to 20khz may tend to like a tipped up top end more so than otherwise.

It’s always shortsighted to focus just on the gear. The person is part of the system that determines the final results and only they know what they hear and like. That’s why no speaker will ever dominate the market alone no matter how good or flat technically it is.