Speakers for Dance music and other

Hi all,

I've got a very nice hifi set containing some highend equipment eg. Tidal, Vitus and Lyra but I've got this equipment in a dedicated room.

I'm planning to put a "cheap" set in my living room for none critical listening and occasionally a party. I'll be playing a lot of dance music with this set (but also some jazz, classical).
I wonder if someone can advise me a good speaker for dance music (as well as other off course)

It would be nice if it's a speaker that is easy to drive, very dynamic with good bass.

I'm thinking for instance the Wilson Puppy 7. Want to spend max. +- US9000 second hand.
Do you think the Wilson is a good candidate?

Any other suggestions appreciated.
How about Emerald Physics? They use pro drivers. I used klipsch lascala for a party and wasn't at all impressed for loud dance music. They don't do deep bass. Also, how is dispersion of a horn?
I'd look into Daedalus Acoustics. I'm considering them for my main system now. I heard one of their pro combo amps at a NAMM show years ago, and it got plenty loud without being fatiguing. They were demoing with a violin, and it sounded very much like an unamplified acoustic violin that was just loud - not like an amplified-compressed-distorted typicl PA system sound at all. Rich, controlled, vibrant. Their stuff is also well made with beautifully finished hardwoods. With a $9000 budget, you could probbly buy near their top-of the line brand new and be extremely happy
How about a pair of OHM Walsh omni speakers with the huge sweet spot. These are full range, will take whatever power you throw at them and go as loud as you like clearly and not blast people out of the room.

I even used a pair for an outdoor party on a farmhouse porch once and had the party rocking forty yards away in a nearby field.