What are some of the most underrated and overrated loudspeakers you’ve auditioned?

What speaker do you believe are the most overrated and which one do you consider the most overrated?
Usually depends more on your room than on the actual speakers, but Bose 901's were so, so bad...sad because I wanted them to be good.

On the other hand, Magneplanars are surprisingly good IF PLACED PROPERLY and you use very good electronics.

Overrated:ParadigmGoldenEar, every one of them
Monitor Audio
UnderratedKlipsch Heritage, grossly underrated
Tekton DesignHarbeth
Underrated: Spendor, Linn.

Overrated: Bowers & Wilkins, Goldenear 

highly rated and deserving:  Sonus Faber, Dynaudio, Spendor 

(it’s clear what my favorite speaker brand is, haha)
Some interesting responses!  

Overrated... Bose

Underrated... Anything else that the Bose owner hasn’t heard of!

How is Dynaudio, Monitor Audio, Gamut, Focal, ATC etc overrated? You guys are nuts.  Is that really just Kenji cloning himself??
The cliche dig on Bose in a lame attempt to up your audiophile street cred is overrated.