wilsom MAXX3 or Evolution Acoustics MMThree ?

Has anyone had actuall experience (shows, dealers, home, ownership...) with both of them to have comparative recommendation. Thinking of changing my Wilson MAXX2, and while I`m not sure if i`m doing the right thing, considering the price differences, those two speakers seems to be a natural replacements. But, I have no experience with any of them, and my dealers do not hold them, so help is needed. Thank you.
Hello Mike,

How much are the tickets to get in ? -) Beautiful room and setup..

Nice touch ...


thanks. my wife thinks i should charge. :^)

seriously; if you are ever in the Seattle area you are welcome to come by for a listen.

my brand of Scotch is Lagavulin.
Jtinn, I agree that i have not seen Ed's room dimensions. However, with the pictures of his room and the relationship of the MM's to the side walls, It seems highly probable that this room is sub-par, size wise, for a speaker like the Maxx's. Sure, the Maxx's may work in some areas very well in a room like this, BUT Ed says he wasn't able to get the bass response he was looking for.. which as I said doesn't surprise me. I don't think that you could argue that the Maxx's are a bass deficient design!
IMHO, it is a given that in order to hear true bass extension you need a truly large room.( and of course a speaker than can deliver the goods). My point about the wave length of a 20hz note is well known. Shoehorning in a speaker that is too large for a given room is a very common occurrence in our hobby-- Many dealers try to upsell a larger speaker, either with little regard for the room that it is going to be used in, or what the listener is trying to accomplish, again IMHO.
Mike, the fact that the Maxx 3 is a rear ported speaker may have in fact assisted the speaker, given that the front wave has to overcome the stuffed couch which it is being asked to fire into..:0)
What kind of sound is Eddie getting when one channel is facing a couch and being partially absorbed?
Thank you Tabl10s! I can understand the WAF factor that Ed has to deal with, I think my hubby understands this too..;0)
BUT, I do think that a speaker that could have spanned over the top of the couch would likely sound much better. Particularly, if that speaker had no chance of overloading the room or the decor. Maybe a subwoofer in another part of the room would have been a thought? Anyhow, i guess if Ed is happy, that's all that counts, after all it is his system..:0)