Phono cartridge suggestions sought

Hi All,

 I am in the market for a new phono cartridge. I can run up to $1400 but would prefer not to if i can get the performance I want. 

I listen to predominantly Jazz on vinyl, though some rock, folk and classical also gets spun

I recently heard a Hana SL and Rega Apheta at a dealers—different decks, same room and system. Both sounded good although the Apheta was not as heavy sounding and at the same time sounded more “present”. I wasn’t really looking at the Apheta, but it was available to listen to. 

The room is accoustically live with lots of glass and hard surfaces but all sounds good. 

System: Naim Atom, Bryston TT, Parasound JC jr phono stage (so huge loading flexibility and gain up to the 60’s), Totem Acoustics Signature Ones, Transparent cables. Current cart: Denon 103r with 250 hours on it, so it is winding down. 

I have enjoyed the Denon. But wondering about that all elusive “more.”

on paper spec, nobody touches the Grados for channel separation, but not sure how essential a criterion that should be. Especially since I worked hard to tame some RFI from a nearby antenna and the Grados I have heard said are not well-shielded. 

Since my Totems only drop down to 45 Hz, I suppose absolute resolution on the low end could be sacrificed for other sonic goods. 

Ok, hive mind, what do you suggest?
I'll second the ditch the Denon theme, not an overly great cart but a good performer for the money and not worth re-tipping ,IMO, just get a better cart. 

+I'll also second the ART9 its a fantastic cart for the money, also the hana sl cart is quite good for the money. 

Depending on your arm compliance also look at the Van den Hull MC 10 its their entry level cart but is a wonderfully detailed cart and has the fantastic VDH stylus. I'd say its better then the Art 9 and anything Hana has to offer, I've heard all three (in my system) and own an older version of the VDH Mc10.
I have a boron-tipped 103 in a wood body. I took my garrard 301 into Soundsmith for a tuneup and the tech said it was easily the equal of a $100+cartridge

Chakster, thanks for those suggestions. BTW, Sending it to SS gives an option of either a ruby or boron cantilever, with a nude contact line or optimized contour nude contact line stylus for relatively little money. With that information, and based on your concerns about conical tips, do you still think that getting the Denon worked on makes no sense? If so, why?

It will definitely improve the sound of oldschool denon designed in the 60’s, no doubt. But it will be a refurbished MC cartridge, instead you could buy SoundSmith MI cartridge with best cantilever and stylus. You can watch his lecture and Peter will explain why MI are better than MC, he rebuild many thousands MC cartridges, but his own carts are MI, guess why? You will find the answer in his lecture.

When you ship anything to SoundSmith for rebuild it will take up to 5 month to get it back.
If you want to try something different (better than your stock denon) look for vintage MM/MI or vintage MC with best cantilevers and best styli.

I have BP#2, Dynavector 10x5, Hana SL, Art9, and Scheu SL. Art9 has best resolution, tone, energy, best in my stable. The Scheu has slight advantage over Hana SL, but not huge, like difference between Art9.
Same listening preferences, jazz, rock.

Limited perspective, but recommend Art9 or second place Hana SL