Is integrated the future for 2 channel audiophiles?

More and more integrated hitting the shelves. Although, there are plenty of dedicated preamps, I have just noticed lots of increased discussions over the past 2 years for integrated amps. 

In general, consumers are downsizing. Baby boomers retiring and going to smaller homes. Millennials and gen z prefer smaller homes as well ( in general - there are always exceptions). 

I think the turntable trendiness has leveled off ( there will always be vinyl fans...I’m talking about the people purchasing because it’s trendy). 

The masses probably favor a/v receivers. However, it seems integrated amp choices has increased quite a bit for 2 channel fans. 


Quite possibly. The product is much better today via better technological advances. I have always been a hardcore separates owner since the 1990's. Now, Aesthetix and Ayre are on my radar.

Happy Listening!

IMO, the flexibility of separates outweigh the convenience of integrated amps!
Yes and no, you would have to be able to addition double the gear or more, to find suitable match, in an integrated the pre and power section are optimized from the vendor.

And here am I thinking separates after only having integrated amps in all my audio life )))
No, the future is the wireless self-powered speaker system! AND IT IS HERE NOW! Check out Atkinson's review of the Dali Callisto 6 C speakers/Hub/BluOS system ($5750) in the latest Stereophile. Two Class D amps in each 3-way speaker and control through the Hub. If I was starting over again this is the system I would buy! And I would use an ADC into the Hub for my LPs and RTR tapes. JA measured and listened and was quite impressed!