SACD Player--Do you use it and feel you'd replace it if it broke?

I've always been curious about SACD.  For many years I was near 50% cd and 50% vinyl in my listening.  I ditched CDs and went all vinyl for awhile. In the last 2 years I have upped my digital game with a great tube DAC and enjoy Tidal quite a bit.  As I now have better sounding digital I've wondered if my previous bias slightly against digital clouded my view of SACD.  

I'm thinking that if I bought one and had 10-15 killer SACDs I would feel it worth it.  This would require the SACDs to be of great music I love and also offer something special sonically. 

And now, THE Question:  What can you tell me about your SACD use and would you replace the player if it broke or was otherwise out of commission? 

Thank you so very much.  This forum makes it possible to get intel like this without knowing a living soul using SACD that I could have a beer (or two :) and learn more from a firsthand user. 
I have a Marantz KI Pearl SACD player and maybe 30 SACDs.  I listen to vinyl most of the time, but if I'm honest with myself, the Pearl is the best source I have and most of the SACD's sound gorgeous through it.  I'm sure I'd fix it or replace it if I broke.  I also have an old Onkyo SACD player that I bought for (relative) peanuts from Japan in one of my secondary systems.

Good answers already. My POV is that some SACDs do indeed sound better than redbook, but the most important factor is the quality of your DAC, whether in a CDP or standalone plus transport. My suggestion would be buy the best-sounding gear you can, and if it also supports SACD, so much the better. But, as already metioned above, your redbook CDs will sound better too. My experience has been the better the gear, the less difference between redbook and SACD.
Hope this is helpful.

Thank you all!

I'm definitely going to give it run and try one.  My DAC is wonderful.  I pulled out an old Rotel HD CD player today and played a couple of CDs through it, running the signal through the digital out to my DAC.  Comparing it to Tidal feeding the DAC on the same music, the Redbook sounds great.  It's a close race with the Redbook slightly ahead on clarity of some notes from instruments in the background.
I agree with Tom.With a really good dac redbook  gets  very close to SACD sq.
I had a Sony SCD 1 for about 12 years. It ceased playing SACD but was great on Redbook CD. New lasers for it were not available so I sold it and bought a Marantz SACD player. I really like the sound quality of SACD.