Turntable and pre-amp advice sought

Looking for some advice as there seem to be a bunch of options and little to differentiate them,

I'm looking for a turntable and phono-preamp. I mostly listen to music via streaming but I own a fair amount of 45s that I'd like to have the ability to play. I'm mostly looking at a budget of $750 give or take and for something new.

For turntables, I've been looking at the U-Turn Orbit Plus, Music Hall 2.3 and the Rega P1. Electronic speed change isn't a must though some of the Pro-Jects seem to offer it and I wouldn't object. As for pre-amps, I've been eyeing the U-Turn Pluto, Music Hall PA 1.2, a Musical Fidelity and a Rega. I've been hesitant to get a table with a pre-amp built in but perhaps that's foolish thinking.

There doesn't seem to be a lot that suggests one over the other. Anyone with experience with these items who has some advice to offer would be appreciated.

How about saving a little longer and getting a Pioneer PLX1000 ($699), a Nagaoka MP110 ($169), and a Schiit Mani phono amp ($149)? 

I play a lot of vinyl, some nearly every day. I have the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB and I've been very happy with it. They are $599 MSRP. They do have electronic speed control, come with an acrylic platter, Ortofon 2M Red cartridge and a budget phono cable. I've upgraded the phono cable on mine, and replaced the 2M Red Stylus with a 2M Blue stylus, and the improvements were worth the money. However, the stock unit sounded very good for a tic under $600.

I can't comment on the other tables you mentioned as I have not heard them.

If I were going to spend $1000, I would probably consider the Pioneer that NoRo mentioned. 

Both the Pro-Ject and the Pioneer would require a phono pre-amp, so you'd have to also figure that into the budget.
All of those turntables will play records and are affordable.  If you're not picky about sound quality, throw a dart.  I have a Music Hall 2.2 and it is a decent entry turntable.  I'm listening to mine right now.  Pair it up with something like the Pro-Ject Tube Box or (my recommendation) the Parks Puffin and you'll have a nice starter setup for around your budget.  

I recommend saving up and spending a little more on the Music Hall 5.3 or a used table in the Music Hall 5.X lineup.  They have better feet and isolation which will result in tighter bass and overall better sound quality.