You cannot buy the IceEdge modules from anyone. They are only sold to OEMs. Not for DIY use. Only the older outdated modules are sold on Parts Express.
No one gets a commission by being excited about my products. There is no money for advertising or commissions or whatever. My amps are hand made labors of Love. This is how I have always done business. Even my friends/customers for years and years pay my full "direct wholesale" pricing. They love what I do and naturally come back for more.
My amps are sold with 30 day unconditional money back guarantee. Their sound quality speaks for itself. I don't need to "oversell" them (they are not state of the art....just great amps for the money) customers will naturally want to turn others on to the super sound quality/bargain they got. They naturally want to help people.....which is my motto. Make others happy. Offer a product that is fantastic for the money. This is probably hard to believe with all the cynicism abounding in our world. There is beauty, there is truth, there is love, there are people who care. there are those who do not take advantage of others....really, it is true. The essence of all of us is truly amazing. Live it now! Share your beauty, truth, love and joy......Everyone wins when you do this.