Salk Audio Sound

Looking ( still ) for new speakers to replace old Spendors ( with a Leben tube amplifier).  Had narrowed my search to Devore Super 9, Proac D30R, Sonist Concerto 4 when the itch to save some money cropped up ( two tuitions due this week).  Have been hearing about Salk.  Some have denigrated as "hifi"- ish; whatever that means.  Seems like a great value and certainly has his following. Unfortunately, can't find them to hear for myself. So are the Salk speakers on par with the other possibilities above?



Hi.  Interesting as the Pulsars in my reading (never heard) would seem to be a logical next step UP from the Salk monitors.  Would you mind sharing the back story?  Thanks, Pin
I have a pair of Song3's. I love them. I demo'd the ProAc D30r's and those were my favorite brick and mortar store speakers, but for quite a bit less (mine are standard Song3's) I like the Song 3's more.They are just a bit more articulate and detailed without being analytical. The D30r's were fun to listen to and sounded great but I think the Song3's are every bit as good or better for less money. I am interested in one day moving up and may inquire to see if Jim will build an SS7.5, like his new SS9.5 but with the 7.5" driver and smaller footprint. 
My issue is buying without a demo; can’t find any nearby RI owners.
did you sample Devore?