What a difference curtains make...WOW

We just moved into a new townhouse with hardwood floors and a large view window. We placed an area rug in the middle of room. Here, I will not be able to have a subwoofer because people live in an apartment below our main floor (we have 3 storys, but an apartment is wedged between our lower level and main level). Since moving, my Polk Rti28's, I thought sounded tinny and bare. Our new, thick curtains arrived and I installed. Today, I turn on the stereo and WOW!! my speakers seemed like a whole new set. Bass was good, and everything sounded uncolored and natural. Wall/floor treatments do really work.
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I was given some quilts that my Grandmother made during her life. I had them professionally cleaned and hung on the walls throughout the house....and WOW! One of my rooms that sounded terrible before, now is my favorite rooms to listen to music. Thank you Grandma for the room treatment, and the memories.
I am now taking time to listen everyday now. I believe I finally have good speaker placement as well. I actually think my system sounds better now than it did before with a subwoofer. I read somewhere (maybe TAS or Stereophile) that the weakest link in 99% of home audio systems is the listening environment.
Now try putting some GIK corner traps (or 244 panels) in the corners of your room to absorb the boomy low end and report back.