High value, giant killer speakers?

What speakers have you heard at any price did you find are fairly priced or a great deal and competed with offerings much more expensive (2x, 3x, 4x etc)? 
@kenjit ,I believe Fritz is trying to say that despite using the best parts, they don't achieve the greatest potential.-Only a talented designer can make full use of such parts and implement them far beyond what they offer at face value.
-Kind of a 'Pearls before swine', situation.
The Fritz “secret sauce” is his “series” crossover designs that provide a benign load for amps to drive which gets more bang per buck out of the amp.

It works! I’ve heard not particularly efficient Fritz Carerra run off a flea power headphone tube amp rival most anything else heard at same show. Very impressive!

Check his his website for charts that demonstrate.
Perhaps search for a high quality USED speaker for 1/2 price when new.

Spatial Audio's speakers can compete with many at 2X the price, not so sure about 3X the price. 

There are plenty of vintage and near-vintage speakers that compete with current offerings of 3 and 4X the price, Spendor SP100s for example.