What is the benefit of a second amplifier .

I’m still trying to decide what direction to take. Play all my speakers through my B & K 200.7 amplifier or have the main speakers run by a Second dedicated 2 channel amplifier. I’m trying to get the best sound possible from my main speakers, B & W 803s. When listing to 2 channel music I want to hear all the detail, and everything the speaker has to offer. When watching theater I want the full effect of the movie. I spoke with a gentleman from Morantz, who said I would gain nothing with the second amplifier and all speakers should go through a 7 channel amplifier and processor. I could then just hit the 2 channel button for analog. He also said in 2 channel analog the 200 watts are dedicated to my main speakers. I should hear everything I want to hear, there must be some other problem. The 200 watts would only allow me to listen to the music louder. There is no need for a second amplifier. If you say the second amplifier is better how do I hook this up? Please explain why it’s better. When watching theater all speakers should work together. When listing to 2 channels all speakers are off except the mains. I don’t want to move speaker wire between two ampfliers.
Mechans - 2 separate rooms is great. Unfortunately, for most, that is not an option. If you have one room for both, what do you think of a hybrid system?
Mechans...Yep...we cannot all have a separate area for two systems and must work with what we have...plus my mains seem to be far enough from each other to not represent this vibration you speak of....I truly love my set-up as it brings volumes of music and entertains the video aspect too whether its movies or satellite tv and sports action.
2 mains next to eachother are thought to produce artifact by sound pressure cause the
Mechans, can you elaborate on this - not sure what you mean. I thought there was one set of main speakers - being driven by one 2 channel amplifier, but using a 2 channel preamp for music listening (while the HT equipment is all switched off), and a HT pre-pro for HT use (ie connected to the amp/mains through the 2 channel preamp passthru). Where does the artifact come from?
Hello, all of your comments have been helpful, and very much appreciated.  bdgregory, dtc and shakedown you all seem to know what I was trying to say.  You're correct I don't have space in my home for a separate, 2 channel system.  My living room must be used for the Hometheater and 2 Channel music.  My plan for a system is, keep my B & K 200.7 amplifier  and B & W 803 speakers as my mains.  I'm looking at Parasound P 5, with a bypass mode as a 2 Channel processor, Parasound  Halo A 21 amplifier. Also being consideredis the Parasound Halo Intergrated.   To save money I'm also considering ventage ampifiers Carver TFM 55X at 375 wpc or a levinson.  How would vintage Amp work with the Parasound P 5. Could you recommend a ventage amp. with  200 or more wpc. Thanks for your response.

ledell you might also consider looking at the Arcam FMJ gear, Primare and Anthem gear. These company's make great sounding and well built gear for the money like Parasound.