Fyne Speakers now in the USA

I noticed that Suncoast Audio in Sarasota Florida is now selling Fyne speakers. I'm in NH so it would be a bit of a road trip for me. Has anyone heard them. Apparently they were designed by former speaker designers from Tannoy. Looking at the specs they seem highly efficient. They seem to be selling very well in Europe and have excellent reviews.
Their web site does not list any American dealers yet. The F1-12 is a very intriguing loudspeaker and looks very nicely made. It should image beautifully. They are also no joke costing something like $30,000/pr.
For high efficiency point source people this could be the ultimate speaker.
Hey luxmancl38 I live in southern NH near Salem!
Hi guys - we do indeed have the Fyne Audio Speakers.   I’ve posted a few videos on YouTube as well.  We have the F702’s, with the F1-12’s and F502SP’s on the way.  They are high efficient and super easy to drive.   We are enjoying them today with a Pass INT-25.

The feedback from customers has been excellent:  https://www.audioshark.org/fyne-audio-218/fyne-702-s-arrive-16908-page2.html?styleid=4

Also, Fyne Audio will be at RMAF this weekend.  Be sure to check them out if you’re going!


Mike can you explain what the dials are at the bottom of the F-12 and F-10. Is it to control the bass? Looking at the specs they seem to be a nice partner w/tubes. Have you tried these speakers any tube gear??