This new McIntosh integrated looks like a winner

For $6500 you get what looks to be a really nice unit. Tube pre section, blue Meters and tone controls. I’m looking forward tovreviews

This looks like a very interesting pre/amp/phono that might fit the needs of a lot of people, would love to hear it or at least read a review. I hope that the phone stage is up to par. Never thought of myself as a Mac fan but this could change my mind. Enjoy the music
How many integrated amps does one manufacturer need? 11 it seems if your McIntosh. 

not to mention the web site really doesn't do a good job of describing the differences or the price ranges. for a new Mac inquirer its hard to tell what's what on there.
The smaller MA252 is a winner ( I own one). I bet this one will be a monster. I fortunately have a Best Buy Magnolia close to me, so I’ll be able to audition it. Thanks for the heads up! 
This thing looks like the ideal integrated... tube pre section and a strong solid state amp all in one! 
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