What are some of the most underrated and overrated loudspeakers you’ve auditioned?

What speaker do you believe are the most overrated and which one do you consider the most overrated?
Right, and sophisticated people know that, but if we always have to state such caveats with every post then forum becomes very boring.

Keep it simple.  Spendor is way better than anything else out there.  haha, kidding of course - no disrespect intended
"I have had $400/pair speakers sound like $6500/pair speakers with the right amp (Hegel) and by changing the stock brass jumpers with copper jumpers."

That's wonderful. 

And, it's not meaningful, because any speaker can be improved to sound purportedly like one multiples better than X speaker. On a nearly weekly basis I make speakers, DACs, amps, etc. sound like ones multiple times the cost. At least that's how it seems. But, it only is actual when you have both together to compare, otherwise you're crafting a story about performance. 

So many in the community are boasting, "My speaker sounds better (or x times better than), and it doesn't mean a thing. Until actual comparison is done side by side it's all fluff.  :) 

It's amazing  so many people are against the A/B side by side comparison. I too, feel it's one of the great "myth" busters. People who poo-poo A/B comparisons are just burying their heads in the sand.
Can’t see what anyone sees in B&e’s.  As a say Where’s the Bass.

think SALK In incredibly underrated.  For $6,000, the Song3 Encores best anything in the $20,000 range maybe $30,000 range.
In addition to being an extremely incoherent post, your last statement is laughable. When you can authoritatively say that you have heard every 20,000.00 loudspeaker, it is still a subjective opinion that you have erroneously stated as matter of fact.

Fail ..........
Underrated, mm de capo anniv edition...3500 if a s po eaker that is very nice set amp