Audioquest SKY Interconnects

I see on eBay what I believe are copies of the AQ Sky interconnects for around $150-$200 used USD being sold out of China.  Does anyone have any experience with these cables?  Are they worth a try or would I be wasting my time?  The reason I am asking is that I would be probably using them in Vandersteen MP filters that I build for my Vanderteen speakers which allows me to use higher grade parts in the filters copies.  Previously I used AQ Diamonback ICs with great success but I sold those when I sold my Vandersteen model 5s.

Thanks for your input/advice.     
If you didn't like the sound of the King Cobra, then you might not care for AQ's higher offerings.
@dustsailor I did you the Audioquest Diamondback for the filter I built as I had one single cable and just decided to use it.  It worked fine and I did not have anything to compare it to but the original MP filter.  To our ears, the one we built was better sounding.  I could not compare the cables on the filters as they are fixed.  Parts quality on the filter that we built was much higher (better capacitors than the original WIMA, and better resistors than the original ones) so that makes it hard to say.  I purchased the King Cobra's and in a few systems they were musical but not as open as the other cables that they were compared to at that time.  Since Vandersteen uses the SKY ICs on their filters and I current use those filters in my system, I wanted to match the ICs on the filters that I am building now.  I can use any cable for the filters and actually could be the filters with inputs and outputs to try any cables.
Read through the seller’s feedback. Many “used” pairs have been sold. Right…