What I call minimalist

I seem to get more enjoyment from what I call minimalist music these days.  By minimalist, I mean just a few instruments in the mix.  It can be any genre of music, but it’s usually only three or four instruments making the music.

As an example, my current all time favorite is Tin Pan Alley from Stevie Ray Vaughan.  I crank it and I’m in heaven.  Just his guitar, bass, drums and of course, Stevie’s voice.  Also, some of the early Dire Straits, like Private Investigations.  Needless to say, much of the early jazz hits me just the same; guitar, bass, drums and vocals.  Clear and clean.  Add too many instruments and it just becomes background music to me.

Now, I have to admit that I was born in 1959, so my music roots are deep in the 70’s and 80’s during high school and college; so I’ve still got my library full of rock.  But when I want to just get absorbed into the music, I go minimalist.

That being said, please let me know other artists you can put into this category so I can experience more!

Thanks brothers.  

A few faves are:
 Hot Tuna  live at the new orleans house,berkley
Bruce Cockburn  Charity of Night
John Mayall  The Turning Point
Joni Mitchell - Don Juan's Reckless Daughter
Brilliant compositions and Jaco on bass. Heavenly! 
I get a similar feeling from some  early Rock and Roll - Elvis, Buddy Holly, etc.

Simple, clear and very little recording jiggery pokery.