I have heard this amp touted as the best amplifier ever made. By contemporary standards it is not horribly expensive, but it is also not cheap. Through most of it’s range it was absolutely beautiful. I listened for a long time because the system sounded so good, although the soundstage was ridiculously huge, as were the speakers, so I blame them for that. If the harsh notes had happened only once or twice, I would have blamed the recordings, but I heard it again and again. I was actually left with great hope for Class D, but this isn’t the amp. I have moved to all Class A amps, I assume I am sensitive to switching distortion and Class A has no switching distortion. Class D also has no switching distortion, but there is a lot of signal manipulation going on in a Class D amp, maybe too much. This amp uses the much touted Gallium Nitride transistors, and is indeed state of the art.