A moderate priced dac

I borrowed a musical fidelity tri vista 21 dac from a friend and I was very impressed with the sound compared to my parasound p5 pre. This dac is over 10 years old. Has the technology changed enough that a moderately price dac can compete?Any suggestions?
If you have an interest in R-2R ladder dacs, you could take a look at the moderately priced Soekris line ($449-$1,299).  https://www.modhouseaudio.com/soekris-audiophile-line
Cutthroat has provided very good advise. A DAC with the right compatibility to your system and  'flavor' for your tastes could be purchased for ~$500.
I recently bought a Schiit Bifrost Multibit and am very satisfied with it. I did not compare it to more expensive DACs since I didn’t have the budget for those. This chart (and other research) prior to purchasing the Bifrost Multibit (aka Bimby) helped lead me to pick this particular DAC. The chart ranks this DAC higher than many other DACs costing a lot more, so I think I got pretty good bank for the buck.

I got the Bifrost direct from Schiit as a B stock item and saved myself $100. It looks and behaves totally new, and sounded even better after some burn-in time.
A fellow audioholic loaned me his Auralic Vega while he was on vacation. I warmed everything up and listened for 2hrs. At that point, I found one used, online, half of new price,  20 miles away. Haven’t looked back.
happy listening, Butch
Cutthroat has given the only non "cutthroat advice" and wisest...I concur with his post...