McIntosh Tube amps or Solid State?? Advices needed!!

Guys!! I need your opinions on these two amps. I cannot decide on tubes or solid state. Can someone please convince me one or the other. Give me pros and cons of each sides? Please educate me on these two. Assuming I have good decent speakers capable handling these two beasts. Ignore other factors, Just your thoughts on these two.  Thanks

Tubes amp model MC2102
Solid State amp model MC402
For me, Just knowing that every time I play music, I'm wearing out my tubes makes me nuts (I can handle this in my preamp but power tubes cost real money these days). Also, while tubes sound awesome, they tend to smooth everything out (homogenize). I really like the way some artists use various textures in their music which are more accurately rendered by solid-state amps IMO.   
Don’t have the MC402, but do have the MC302 which is just a little less power. I love it and use it in my big system. I have an MC275 I rotate in on my secondary system which primarily uses a MA6600 integrated. When I want to switch out the flavor, I remove the integrated amps jumpers and use the MC275 II Gordon Gow Edition. Both different flavors but both very musical. To be honest, I worry a lot about tube wear so I only run the Mac tube amp 4-6 weeks out of the year, usually in January when it’s cold.