Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range

Hi all. I´m searching for a nice speaker in the high-end midprice category. On my shortlist are: Verity Audio Leonore, Sonus Faber Stradivari, Consensus Audio Conspiracy, Wilson Audio Sasha and Magico V 3. Has anybody had the chance to compare these speakers ?
Ralph wrote;

All these responses and no mention of the type of amplifier used, which is something that should be considered carefully with any speaker in this category.

you must have missed my post above where i specifically wrote about amplifier flexibility with the MM3's....
with a 93db 6ohm load you open yourself up to using very modestly powered (read transparent and natural sounding) amplifiers including 10-20 watt SET's. i recently had a pair of 18 watt Lamm ML2.1's in my room and they worked great. yet they sounded great with the darTZeel 400 watt monoblocks too. currently i use the darTZeel 100 watt stereo NHB-108.....which works perfectly for my very large room.
i consider having the ability to use modestly powered amps to be a big deal. most (not all) great sounding amps are either modestly powered or load sensitive to some degree.
Frank the OP gave a shortlist - how did this get so far off topic - oh of course this is Audiogon and we always go off topic!

I would second MikeL's response. 100%
During my room build I searched for 3 years to do a speaker upgrade. I auditioned the Wilson Line, listened to the Verity, Sonus Faber, Revel, Rockport & many many others. They were all very very good speakers but they just didn't push me over the top to make a purchase for one reason or other. Yes, room interaction & equipment plays a serious roll in these decisions.

Once I auditioned the Evolution speakers, I wasn't in the room for a half an hour I knew I was going to purchase them.
They just were so musical to my ears & so well balanced.
I would recommend a audition of the MM3's you will not be disappointed.

Also as mentioned in a previous post above... mate with the darTZeel combo with excellent synergy. I was so blown away I sold all my gear & purchased the darTZeel amp & pre & have not looked back.

My best advice is to look & audition as many as you can & make a solid educated decision. There are many good speakers in your price range. Some are just what I call Overpriced... period....for what your getting in return.