Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range

Hi all. I´m searching for a nice speaker in the high-end midprice category. On my shortlist are: Verity Audio Leonore, Sonus Faber Stradivari, Consensus Audio Conspiracy, Wilson Audio Sasha and Magico V 3. Has anybody had the chance to compare these speakers ?

I would second MikeL's response. 100%
During my room build I searched for 3 years to do a speaker upgrade. I auditioned the Wilson Line, listened to the Verity, Sonus Faber, Revel, Rockport & many many others. They were all very very good speakers but they just didn't push me over the top to make a purchase for one reason or other. Yes, room interaction & equipment plays a serious roll in these decisions.

Once I auditioned the Evolution speakers, I wasn't in the room for a half an hour I knew I was going to purchase them.
They just were so musical to my ears & so well balanced.
I would recommend a audition of the MM3's you will not be disappointed.

Also as mentioned in a previous post above... mate with the darTZeel combo with excellent synergy. I was so blown away I sold all my gear & purchased the darTZeel amp & pre & have not looked back.

My best advice is to look & audition as many as you can & make a solid educated decision. There are many good speakers in your price range. Some are just what I call Overpriced... period....for what your getting in return.
After the review in Abso!ute Sound a few months ago, I wouldn't buy anything in that price range without auditioning the Pioneer TAD-CR1 Compact Reference, at about $36K. Make sure to leave budget for their dedicated stands, as the spkrs weigh 100 lbs each.

I haven't heard 'em, but the review sure sounds enticing. I get the impression that these have the speed to keep up with the electronics driving them. With a frequency response out to 100 KHz, their rise time should outpace just about every other speaker out there.