First Watt J2

I'm looking for an amplifier to drive my 8 ohm 94 dB DIY back-loaded horn single 6.5" driver speakers. Looking at the specs for the J2, it looks like it would be a good option as it appears to behave much like an OTL or a current source device. The F2 is another option but its voltage source behavior may be less suitable for these speakers. Am I looking the right way at the differences between these two amplifier designs and their suitability for this type of speaker design? I'm thinking of pairing my Aric Audio Unlimited tube preamp - 600 ohm output impedance, with the J2.
You can use fullrange, bass and tweeter speakers. Fullrange 8 inch /no less/ for 50-14000 Hz /connected direct to amp, without crossover, that press the sound, that is most iportant/ for voices, simph. music, jazz...Bass 12 inch speaker for 30-35 Hz. And 2-3 inch speaker for 14-20 kHz. If You interest, I can explain about connection. I listen the same configuration and Im happy.
Has anyone driven their efficient speakers pretty loud with the j2? I've tried small watt tube amps (6 watts per channel) and things petered out even with my ZU Omen Defs when turning up a ways (not surprising). I'm not talking "head banging loud" but I do like to raise the volume every now and then fairly high. I've got my eye on a used J2
BTW, If I go the J2 route, I'll use my pre amp's balanced outputs which has 13 db of gain compared to 3db of gain thru RCA.
Second the Atma-sphere suggestion. You can choose between 30 or 60 w/channel. With the right load nothing I have ever heard comes close.
@kalali - I will build you a Class A power amp for under $1K that will beat up on the First Watt amp.  All point-to-point wired.