ESL57 vs ESL63

The 57’s are going for twice the price of 63’s.

i like the managable size of this speaker, this is really a part of my soon to be retirement built two channel system.

besides the price, how do these two fair amongst each other. Realistically how much power do the require, tubes ? Solidstate ?

my hope would be to also get into lower powered triode type amps with this projects.....

The ’57’s are some of the most coherent speakers I have ever heard in the mids to the lower treble. The ’63’s are not quite as coherent, but they are a little more extended in both frequency extremes, IMO. Stacked ’57’s are pretty amazing IF you can accommodate their requirements.
Now, here’s the thing, IMO and IME. Neither is a speaker that I would want for my primary system, too many limitations and restrictions with both. Many times, i contemplate a great pair of ’57’s in a secondary system...BUT as a secondary system only.

BTW, IF you go for either...a nice mid powered tube amp is the way to an ARC D70Mk2 that I used to own. Match made in heaven.
@clio09, Gradient also made an OB/Dipole sub for the 57. It looked a lot like the current Rythmik/GR Research, but laid on it’s side. Danny Richie says the R/GR can be so positioned as well, and used as a base for the 57. I would install a set of Townshend Audio Seismic Pods between them, to prevent vibration from being transferred from the H-frame into the 57.
Wow, such diverging opinions. The 57s do not come into their own until they are stacked but without subwoofers they remain fragile and even with subwoofers they are not hard to blow. I was present for the destruction of two 57s in an HQD system. Peter would get a little carried away showing off. Only Decca ribbons blew more frequently. 
cd318, "a sideline"? You obviously have not listened to big Acoustats or Soundlabs. For $40,000 you can get an indestructible loudspeaker that to many ears sounds better than any other loudspeaker regardless of price.
I know my opinion does not count much because I am so pretentious but just ask Audiokinesis or Atmasphere. A sideline? I hardly think so.
@bdp24, interesting I didn't know that about the 57s. I will look into the Rhythmik subs.