Mark Levinson 39

I started a thread two weeks ago asking if I should keep my 38 preamp when I buy the levinson 39 and I got a couple of rude replys? Why? I want to stay all levinson I have tried alot of gear and I like that the best and by stating that I had a reply saying I should be a poster boy for Levinson. Those kind of comments are not Mature ones and of no help to my question. there are a lot of good players on the market but I own a 335 and a 38 which I will sell when I get the 39. Question: WHAT WILL I GAIN SONICLY WITH THE 39 OVER THE THETA MILES 38 COMBO. Question:WILL RUNNING THE 39 DIRECT BLOW THE 38 AND THE THETA AWAY? Iuse martin logan sl3s
thats right,plus the39 is being updated to implement24/96 hence360-360s technology.but the39 killsthemiles , if you really need a39 for now buy a used one for half price. when running direct you lose a little dynamic punch compared to using a pre of high caliber,minimum of 380 s or 32 in a levinson only system or a art pre for superb sound. mike
I also owned a #39 run direct thru a ML#331. The noteworthy improvement being increased resolution and detail. However, the #331 being a little dry to begin with, the loss of my tubed pre's (AI M3A) bloom and warmth, was not worth the trade for higher rez. I think the Meridian CD might be a more suitable match for a Levinson amp. I do understand that you would like to stay within brand, pride of ownership and such. One caution, however. I bought the #39 based on the advertised flexibility of having three components on one chassis. I did this with an eye toward adding digital room compensation in the loop between the digital output and the DAC input of the #39. This can not be accomplised with the #39. It will not accept it's transports output back into it's DAC. When I explained this to Madrigal I was greeted with a bad attitude and a rude representative. I understand that you would like to stay within brand, pride of ownership etc. and they do make good equipment, but be wary. there is better out there. As for me I sold all my Levinson and won't buy again. GOOD LUCK
My advice is to consider the Meridian 508.24 and Wadia 860 or 861. you can get the Wadia for about the same price used, and I have had both and I think the Wadia is a lot better, but it is a taste thing. The Levinson is more laid back, while the Wadia is more accurate. The 508.24 is great as well, though you would have to keep your preamp for that one, it's also about 1/2 the price of the Wadia or Levinson (used) the best bet is to get both or all 3 and decide for yourself, if you only get the 39 you'll never know what your missing or not. There are some great comparisons done in Stereophile on these 3 players from a couple of years back. Good luck
I would prefer not to compalin in this way, but I feel compelled to express my disbelief at receiving negative votes for the post I made above. In a thread that contained a fair bit of sniping, I tried to give a balanced and honest assesment of my experience with the product Lev335 asked about.

I hope the rating was not because I did not uniformly sing the praises of Levinson.