45 degree placement in squarish room?

Hi, has anyone had good results, or thoughts, on 45 degree speaker placement? I've been experimenting with several brands in a 14 by 15 room, and it's much better than I would have expected. Any thoughts?
Take care
I suppose you are referring to toe-in. My main room is 14x15 and my ESP speakers are designed to have a 45 degree angle into the listening area. I also use quite a bit of toe-in on the speakers in my secondary system but not as much as 45 degrees. I would venture to say that most speakers would not be able to present a credible soundstage and a balanced response at that extreme angle. The exceptions would be speakers specifically designed for corner loading like Audio Note or Klipsch.

By contrast, the N802's setup in the same room require very little toe-in and sound just plain wrong when set up with a lot of toe-in.
Thanks guys. No, rhljazz, I was referring to setup on two adjacent walls, the corner of the two being the center point. (I do agree with you, however.)
I'm still puzzled by the degree of depth, clarity, richness and rightness of bass, and just overall musicality it's presenting. Who knew?
Diagonal placement works quite well in small rooms. Here is a good read on it:


Also, at the recent Bay area audio show one of the best rooms IMO was DeHavalind, using a diagonal set-up. Roger Sanders uses one too at shows where he exhibits.
I have an asymmetrical though not strictly 45 degree configuration I use with my OHM 100S3s in a small 12X12 room that sounds about as good as it gets.
That's great to hear, thanks!
Do they need to be equal distance from the shared corner, and respective side walls? play by ear or measure?
thanks again! it sounds so good I'm afraid to move em...
(don't worry, I've got friends coming over, skeptical ones, who will do debunking this weekend.)