Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...

I owned a low cost headphone for many years, the Fostex TH7B, first version( a new one close version exist Fostex TH7BK), semi-open headphone...I was never completely satisfied by any headphones I ever owned: Hifiman 400, Stax basic lamda, Stax 5 gold,Akg 340,Akg 701, beyerdynamic 990, and T150... Because in each of them with all their qualities I never listen to at the same times, a confortable headphone with natural timbre and voicing, with a good imaging and a realistic soundstage(not too close to my ears)...

For the last days I tweaked this Fostex, to damp his internal resonance I used sorbothane, I put some shungite stones at the exterior part of the cups and I use some Herkimer diamond in the interior pads( 3 at 120 degree) … Now this low cost headphones crush all my others if I sum all his qualities... For example his mids and voicing cannot beat the AKG 340 but among all my other headphones it is the best that is near that mids and it is more confortable, and with longer cable than the 340...His imaging is better and more realistic than the 340 etc etc...It is the same if I compare with the others...

His most important qualities is natural timbre and clear imaging,very precise pinned point accuracy and natural, so clear it crush for that ALL the others to dust...In the French audio circle the reviews were more than very positive few years ago...Diapason d’or and choc Classica...I am not the only one impressed buy the ratio quality/price... But remember that thesae reviewers dont tweak their headphone...The difference between before and after the tweaks are staggering...

Yes Miracles happens in Audio: cost is under 100 American dollars... Few years ago they cost me 50 bucks new... I never dreamed that I will go back to headphones...

I will enjoy your miracles stories of any kind ….My best to all...
thecarpathian and mahgister,

Thanks for your care about me. It is touching and I mean it. You made my day.

I am well but, after realizing that many threads I have participated at have been shut down, I also realized that my contributions were neither welcome nor necessary. Not that threads were shut down because of me only, but it became even more pointless participating.

At the same time, I have to admit that geoffkait was correct about my whereabouts. I was away. On the day (August 12) thecarpathian asked where I was, I was probably bicycling between the fields, up the hills, or around the lake after Fête des Vignerons had ended. A day or two later I dedicated my evenings to the Imperial torte and a few more childhood memories.

Having said all of these, again unneccessary, facts, I think I am quite close to geoffkait now and will go for a bicycle ride around. Good news may be, I do not know how he looks like so we may not recognize each other.

Again, thanks for your concerns about me. I appreciate them.
If you see someone who looks a lot like Tom Cruise that’s probably me.
You are a gentleman and you are always welcome near us good cycle Glupson...Your posts dissipate some worries thanks...

P.S. We all love to hate Geoffkait or perhaps better said, we all hate loving Geoffkait…:)

The Tom Cruise of Audio Tweaks :)
Geoff I think that the key to bliss is to buy a not too costly audio system and tweaks it...The results is almost TOTL at a reasonable cost...When you listen to wonderful music without lacking too much the end is near except for the fun of fine tuning the tweaks...I am there...My system cost more than yours but not way much, I bought all vintage or used...
Well, you’re confident, I’ll give you that. If only you could hear what I’ve heard with my ears. If I had a dime for every person who’s sworn up and down he had found audio Nirvana or TOTL I’d be a wealthy 💰 💰 man. You guys must think I do this stuff for my health. I first got involved with crystal structures 52 years ago when I designed a rocket engine for interplanetary travel 🚀 that employed high-energy Xenon ions to bombard a highly magnetized metal crystal bar, thus producing thrust by sputtering off atoms from the crystal surface.