thecarpathian and mahgister,
Thanks for your care about me. It is touching and I mean it. You made my day.
I am well but, after realizing that many threads I have participated at have been shut down, I also realized that my contributions were neither welcome nor necessary. Not that threads were shut down because of me only, but it became even more pointless participating.
At the same time, I have to admit that geoffkait was correct about my whereabouts. I was away. On the day (August 12) thecarpathian asked where I was, I was probably bicycling between the fields, up the hills, or around the lake after Fête des Vignerons had ended. A day or two later I dedicated my evenings to the Imperial torte and a few more childhood memories.
Having said all of these, again unneccessary, facts, I think I am quite close to geoffkait now and will go for a bicycle ride around. Good news may be, I do not know how he looks like so we may not recognize each other.
Again, thanks for your concerns about me. I appreciate them.
Thanks for your care about me. It is touching and I mean it. You made my day.
I am well but, after realizing that many threads I have participated at have been shut down, I also realized that my contributions were neither welcome nor necessary. Not that threads were shut down because of me only, but it became even more pointless participating.
At the same time, I have to admit that geoffkait was correct about my whereabouts. I was away. On the day (August 12) thecarpathian asked where I was, I was probably bicycling between the fields, up the hills, or around the lake after Fête des Vignerons had ended. A day or two later I dedicated my evenings to the Imperial torte and a few more childhood memories.
Having said all of these, again unneccessary, facts, I think I am quite close to geoffkait now and will go for a bicycle ride around. Good news may be, I do not know how he looks like so we may not recognize each other.
Again, thanks for your concerns about me. I appreciate them.