The fact to consider is that there is pretty high humidity over here, but this happens always, even on "dry" days...
There is a challenge when one tries to run a full 360 degree air bearing in Mexico or the Amazon. Adding moisture to the air bearing will have the same effect, as adding water to the oil of a combustion engine.
This is not a good environment. The air pump system makes up IMO 50% (EFFORT not COST) in the set up of the solution.
Was first using original aquarium AT pump at about 2psi and then upgraded to Medo AC0110 which delivers about 10-12psi trough my "buffering tank".
This is not going to cut it unfortunately .You are trying to run a Porsche 911 at the track with snow tires.
Recommend a pump system which eliminates the moisture at the pump, and a regulator / water separator near the air bearing, that allows you to see the PSI and moisture level near the air bearing.
How long is the air line - pump to air bearing ?
Does the PSI get lower along the way. It is an indicator that water / moisture is getting in the line, if you are losing PSI.