Sorry my memory aint what it used to be, sure you mentioned that before but now you are bringing another variable into the mix, that of cost.
Sure recording onto reel on good quality tape at 7.5ips minimum is not cheap but I had not even thought about or factored in cost.
Heck if I start thinking about cost I must as well just sling a rope up over the rafters and be done with it all..... lol.
Sorry my memory aint what it used to be, sure you mentioned that before but now you are bringing another variable into the mix, that of cost.
Sure recording onto reel on good quality tape at 7.5ips minimum is not cheap but I had not even thought about or factored in cost.
Heck if I start thinking about cost I must as well just sling a rope up over the rafters and be done with it all..... lol.