Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?

Okay, I've been a 'stat guy the majority of my audio life.

Recently I acquired a humble speaker that has me rethinking my entire approach to audio, i.e., big power amp requirements driving mass amounts of current to 'stats.

The speaker I'm referring to is the Cain & Cain Abby. 8 watts of 300b SET amplification into these speakers is as good as I've heard. No, they don't do bass but they excel at everything else. So the ? for those with point source design experience is does the lack of a crossover in designs equate to these types of results in other point source or single driver designs?
cwlondon, I have the "matchstick" cabinets about 3 feet in front of my desk. The drivers are nearly at ear height even though the speakers are roughly 5 feet tall. See my virtual system on audiogon. My office is about 10 feet wide and only 7-8 feet deep with the door on the one side. It's cramped to have chairs in front of my desk anyway, so speakers were an easy choice. (this makes it great to keep away visitors since they have to compete with a speaker for space.

Now If only i had kept my 12 inch coaxial Richard Allen's back in 1976 instead of going backwards and replacing them with a lower distortion higher output multi-driver speaker system ...

What was i thinking .............. :)
Everything is about price vs Performance and maybe at the prices one can purchase a single driver loudspeaker system today, makes them a good buy.

That in itself is not an endorsement of single driver topology, unfortunately it is a sad reminder of how much current day speaker manufacturers are failing ......

Weseixas why come to audiogon at all? You have no feedback offer no financial support for this site. Yet you feel free to troll post over and over. Seems you have issues with personality wish I could help.
Hope this doesn't stray too far off topic, but that never seems to stop anyone anyway : )

I mentioned in an earlier post that I received my first single driver speakers (albeit with a super tweeter) a couple of weeks ago. One of the things that appeals to me is that it allows a very straight signal path. I have 7 components (not counting wires and room) in the path from the output of my CDP to my ears: 1. Amp selector switch; 2. volume with discrete resistors; 3. pentode driver; 4. coupling cap; 5. 2A3 triode; 6. OPT; 7. Fostex driver.
I'm not saying it's the only or even best way, but it's interesting enough to me that I want to explore and see what I can get out of it. I'm still getting things in order, but so far I like the music.