Why bookshelf type speakers are high end

This is another MUST READ.

I love seeing bookshelf speakers costing tens of thousands of bucks that are truly high end

Magico has done very expensive bookshelf speakers. There are many other examples.

Bookshelves obviously cannot reach down to 20hz., but down to 40hz their sound is balanced.  This is true high end territory.

Many audiophiles do NOT use their standmount speakers with a subwoofer. Despite this, they are enjoying high end sound.

LS50 is an example of a speaker that has achieved rave reviews. I have heard them and can confirm they are excellent.

Do not be fooled by naysayers . If you want high end sound, you don’t need perfect bass down to 20hz.

Most towers don’t have the necessary extension to reach anywhere near 20hz, and it’s better to offload the bass load to a subwoofer either way to reduce the load on your amplifier/receiver.

There's also not that much musical content below 40hz for most music genres anyway, so extension down to 20hz (which requires massive sensitivity trade-offs) isn't really worth it, and for home theater use it's already well established that it's better offloaded to the subwoofer's amp which is impedence matched for the 
Only earbuds are high end.

All my men wear earbuds or they wear nothing at all.
