power consumption

For those of us deprived of good cheap pwer in california, how does one calculate the energy usage / unit time of our audio equipment?

Can you figure it out fomr the specs alone and if so, how?


Drubin, I've searched the forums for the results of your measurements but can't find anything. What did you find?
Mrowlands, ...only 200w? My damned Aleph 2 monos idle at 600w!! Mounting under the floor joists in the basement helped with the heat, but there's still that energy-gulping guilt to shoulder! At least I power 'em down (didn't we used to just say "shut 'em off"?) when not in use. The one-hour warmup subtly precludes sponataneous use though, so I probably don't listen as often as I would if they were left on continuously. Oh well....
According to the Wattsup readings, The Power Plant 300 draws about 40 watts with nothing connected to it, about 43 in multiwave mode. My Pass Aleph 3 draws around 200 watts at idle (196 acutally, although I think the PAss docs say 250). Plugged into the PS Audio, the total draw is just under 300 watts. Which suggests that there is some additional overhead in there somewhere (more than 200 + 40), but not a doubling. I'll move some equipment around later and check a few other components (including my Pass X-150 ). --Dan
Question for Jdwek and Drubin (and others) - out of curiosity how much do you pay per unit for your electricity? Be interested to compare your costs with ours here in the UK, thanks, regards, Richard
Hi Richard: 12 to 13 cents per kWh for Edison Co. in LA. Our average monthly consumption is around 300 kWh's and I assume that we are quite frugal as the main consumption is from the Hifi's, the computer and the fridge (no A/C, we have gas appliances and lighting is on the light side:-).