Phono Cart Impedance Question

I have a little bit of hiss through my 6 ohm, 0.28mV cart but only at a volume pushing the upper end of my listening volume...and it's only audible before I drop the needle, and even then not from the listening position.  I realize I therefore likely have a "non problem"!  

But I still have a generic question on to the sensitivity of producing hiss as it relates to cartridge impedance alone.  If one kept all other cart specs identical (including output of course) would you expect hiss to go up or down at the same volume and system gain if I used an 8 ohm or 12 ohm cart instead?  It seems like the hiss would likely go up just like moving to a higher impedance speaker under the same gain setup but perhaps I'm looking at this incorrectly? I realize moving to a slightly output cart could very well reduce the hiss.

Thoughts?   Sorry if this is a ridiculously obvious question and answer.

Both my phono-pres have 4 amplification stages. Basis Exclusive
max. is 71 dB, Klyne 3,5 ; 67 dB. The ''sense'' of 4 amplification 
stages is to use the lowest possible for a given cart because the
''higher amplification the higher distortions'' (hi Raul). 
Herron, according to uberwaltz , produces ''2 flavours'' instead
( 64 and 69 dB).  ''Hiss'' may be other expression for distortion?

Three, go here
Some tubes are much better than others. Roger sifts through hundreds of tubes and categorizes them as regular, low noise and super low noise.
I changed the three 6922's in my ARC phono amp for Roger's Super Low Noise tubes and my noise level dropped at least 6 dB. Very impressive. The tubes are now 6 years old and still going strong. 


@mijostyn   Thanks for the link on tubeaudiostore.  I've never ordered tubes from him but those Super Low Noise tubes sound compelling.  Although super low noise certainly comes at a price!
Thx for that link Mike
I am on the lookout for some more tubes for my Chinook but very wary of eBay sellers and some of their claims.
Will give Roger a trial.
Yes, they are pricey but every last one I have gotten from him has been super quiet, 6 so far. They test each tube individually on a tester I think Roger actually design. Clio works for him. Earth to Clio! Want to chime in?