What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load

Just asking.

I see specs into 4 ohms but nothing into difficult speaker loads (like Thiel CS5's).

Thanks for listening, 


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Give up Ralph, a good BJT amp will always drive into these sub 2ohm low impedance’s and do the wattage doubling act better than a Mosfet Class-D even GaN based one
The best linear amps that can do it are all BJT

M.S Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California (2017)
Pros for BJT:
BJT’s are capable of handling higher output currents for signal outputs and can have lower output impedance in amplifiers intended to drive a low input impedance load or deliver significant amounts of power, this is a huge advantage.
Cons for MOSFET:
Can’t drive a low-impedance load very well.
And there’s plenty more, I’ll posting them till the cows come home. Please show just one from any great known amplifier designer (beside you) that says the opposite!
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Like I said. Please show just one post from any great known amplifier designer (beside you) that says the opposite!

I my view your just shilling with suspect claims of class-d being able to drive these OP's speakers to their max potential that I'm responding to, for your products yet again, in an indirect way, but always in threads that have a potential sale, whether it be your OTL, Preamps, Zero, Class-D now