Favorite cover?

As a (minor) film buff, I almost invariably prefer originals. But when it comes to audio, I  have found more than a few covers that I prefer to the originals. So, to kick things off, and with all due respect to Boz Scaggs, I absolutely LOVE this live Incognito version of Lowdown:


What's on the top of your lists?

How bout Godsmacks version of Beatles come together .As far as something modern, I like it


Bob Dylan’s House of the Rising Sun. Funny story from Dave Van Runk,

”Then, one evening in 1962, I was sitting at my usual table in the back of the Kettle of Fish, and Dylan came slouching in. He had been up at the Columbia studios with John Hammond, doing his first album. He was being very mysterioso about the whole thing, and nobody I knew had been to any of the sessions except Suze, his lady. I pumped him for information, but he was vague. Everything was going fine and, "Hey, would it be okay for me to record your arrangement of 'House of the Rising Sun?'" Oh, shit. "Jeez, Bobby, I'm going into the studio to do that myself in a few weeks. Can't it wait until your next album?" A long pause. "Uh-oh". I did not like the sound of that. "What exactly do you mean, 'Uh-oh'?" "Well", he said sheepishly, "I've already recorded it".[13]


Credits at end of movie 'Cadillac Records' say that Willie Dixon sued Led Zep and was awarded $1 million. Didn't say what song they didn't pay for.

It's a darn good movie.