I'm confused and always have been about MQA and streaming in general. I have never been able to hear a difference between 44.1 kHz and MQA on Bluesound Node 2. Basically, I don't like Bluesound, and for iOS devices, not at all. Just to mention two things ...
If you go to favorites albums in the menu and click one of your favorites, and then you go back to the list, then the navigation will be lost. The list rolls back and you have to navigate down again to where you came from. The other thing is, that the BluOS application is not available on the home screen, when it's locked? It is for Android.
The last thing that (also) confuses me @larry5729 ... There are not 20 albums with Vincent Ingala on Tidal - there are only 5 in my view. What a mess.
Kind regards