LUXMAN L509X VS M700/C700U

I have a Luxman m700u AMP and  with its DAC Luxman DA-06. I have been using my Oppo HA-1 preamp with this equipment.
I have triangle signature delta speakers.

my next step is to either sell M700u and buy L509x or get C700u to complete the paring with M700.
Please comment with experience.

I have a question why are triangles labeled as speakers do well with tubes 
Do u think people who have short listening session will have issues with tubes to warm up etc 
i so far like the sound of triangles they are very clean sounding 
i tested bw 804 and these brought me smiles and made me curious during the songs 
The CL-38 w/a solid state amp makes an excellent combo. Having the 38 se for over a year and a half w/a Bryston amp I have really enjoyed the music. Gets the most out of my Aerial 5T's. The problem was Luxman made only 100 SE's for world wide sale to celebrate their 90th Birthday. As a result not many people had a chance to hear it. The 38C will have a larger distribution and be more easily available for customers to demo.
Nice to hear!!
I've never tried a Luxman Tube, but the integrated tubes have always interested me.... but really have no long term use for them.

The C-1000 all tube preamp is coming. It will be priced around 16K. Also recently heard the new Luxman SQN-150 integrated tube amp. Only about 11" wide. Has a built in SS MM/MC phono. Heard it w/a pair of Forte III's and a Clearaudio Concept TT. Just $2750 for the integrated. Also they have a matching CD player w/built in DAC the same size at the same price. Build and SQ typical excellent Luxman product.