LUXMAN L509X VS M700/C700U

I have a Luxman m700u AMP and  with its DAC Luxman DA-06. I have been using my Oppo HA-1 preamp with this equipment.
I have triangle signature delta speakers.

my next step is to either sell M700u and buy L509x or get C700u to complete the paring with M700.
Please comment with experience.

The C-1000 all tube preamp is coming. It will be priced around 16K. Also recently heard the new Luxman SQN-150 integrated tube amp. Only about 11" wide. Has a built in SS MM/MC phono. Heard it w/a pair of Forte III's and a Clearaudio Concept TT. Just $2750 for the integrated. Also they have a matching CD player w/built in DAC the same size at the same price. Build and SQ typical excellent Luxman product.
Did you end up getting the CL-38? How is it? 

What are you using for the source? I assume you've got the Luxman Dac. 
Are you able to audition Luxman Tube amp? Do you have a power conditioner? What speaker cable do you have? 

 I bought the CL -38uc. its very nice. 
DAC is not here yet. it will come tomorrow 
Currently I am running Triangle signature delta with M700u , CL 38uc, source is mac via Oppo HA-1 dac. 
I don't have power conditioner yet but I do have ifi plugged in my outlet. 
I am running Qobuz and tidal via audirvana. 
currently I have Anticables 3.0
Any suggestions?

 I bought the CL -38uc. its very nice. 
DAC is not here yet. it will come tomorrow 
Currently I am running Triangle signature delta with M700u , CL 38uc, source is mac via Oppo HA-1 dac. 
I don't have power conditioner yet but I do have ifi plugged in my outlet. 
I am running Qobuz and tidal via audirvana. 
currently I have Anticables 3.0
Any suggestions?

Congrats on picking up the CL-38C. The unit sounds great out of the box but give it a few weeks for the tubes to burn in and it will sound even better. Down the road you may want to add a TT. The phono section is excellent w/4 step up transformers. Luxman Solid State understandably gets most of the press but the tube products are also very competitive. Now I don't feel so lonely at least someone else out there owns one of these preamps. Enjoy the music.