Speaker Analysis for Armchair Critics

Hello everyone,
There’s a very important discipline called "Speaker Analysis" or "Speaker Testing" which though complicated, is brilliantly illustrated in this breakdown of the B&W 685.


Speaker analysis is to measure each of the components both separately and as they come together in a complete system. It is a part of creating a new loudspeaker, but it can also be used to analyze an existing speaker, to understand it and perhaps to make it better.  I prefer the term Analysis because it better reflects that the goal is not merely quality assurance, but to build a complete electro acoustical understanding of the system as a whole so changes can be considered, and their final results predicted.

This particular article does just that, and comes up with a couple of suggestions for re-working the crossover to end up with hopefully a better end result. At the very least, it is a significantly different speaker at the end, and achieves a far greater level of change than cables can.

I share this with all of you just as an example of the work that goes into making a loudspeaker from parts, and the tools, and how much of what we hear has to do with choices made in the crossover.


The most important point to remember is:


Revel thinks even dispersion from top to bottom is best but clearly, many speakers fail to meet this goal. We also do not know whether speakers measure the way they do intentionally or by chance. The measurements too are not infallible. Some designers think mdf is good enough, others disagree. Some may deliberately make their cabinets sing along with the music. You have opened a can of worms here you dont know what youre getting yourself into. 

Speaker design is a mishmash of ideas with a bit of hogwash for good measure. 

teachable moment ( only because i don’t consider you a troll ), the room and room nodes and modes are already another form of EQ, so I and others are doing our best to fix those with just 11 bands of EQ below 120 HZ, let whatever it is the artist/producer/engineer sought shine thru....

like I said, unamplified is the reference and yes, I am a recording engineer in both the high speed tape and digital domains.

back to our regular programming....
Thanks for posting this Eric. I got to read the review thoroughly, and agree that it was well done. Though for a $300 pair of speakers, I probably wouldn't have spent so much time. But, the modifications might be something an amateur could accomplish easily. Plus, it would be fun!
Too bad some people are so contrary...

What people don't seem to understand is that if you use DSP, you could have a dozen different crossovers that you could switch between in a split second and literally be an armchair crossover designer. A passive crossover designer would take many hours just to figure out one design! I kid you not.